sábado, 14 de setembro de 2013

Korean Numbers Basic #1 (count 1 to 12)

Korean Lesson 1: Hangul Part 1: How to order Korean letters

Korean Hangul #3- Syllable Construction

Korean Alphabet in 10 Minutes

Korean Alphabet Hangul by Rinji

Korean Alphabet

Korean Lessons for Beginners 001

Korean Travel Phrases #12 - Oops! I did it again!

Plaque in the Heart

Coronary Artery Plaque Removal?

What is Plaque?

Atherosclerosis (Understanding Disease: Cardiovascular Medicine)

Animation How a Heart Attack Happens2

Animation How a Heart Attack Happens2


New Stent Procedure Safer

3D Stent Implant Animation

Renal Stent Procedure Animation